
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013


Hello beauties, it's me again, Riztrya :) mumpung ada waktu luang dan lagi nemu inspirasi, buat beauties yang sering pergi ke party (birthday party, costume party, halloween party, etc) mungkin make up tutorial ini bisa jadi inspirasi buat kalian ya hihi. Actually, this is my first time doing a make up tutorial, so..................maafkan kalo masih berantakan dan comes out not very well HAHAHAHA but i hope you guys enjoy this tutorial ;)
1. Gunakan make up base terlebih dahulu. Disini aku pakai PONDS WHITE BEAUTY TRANSLUCENT PINKISH WHITE DAY CREAM. Aku baca di salah satu blog Indonesian Beauty Blogger bahwa Ponds ini cocok sebagai make up base juga. Dan setelah aku pakai ternyata cukup nyaman karena bikin kulit ku yang sangat kering ini jadi lebih lembab hihi ^^
2. Gunakan BB Cream andalan mu. Aku pakai TONYMOLY LUMINOUS GODDESS AURA BB CREAM. BB Cream ini sudah pernah di review sama writer Natalia di blog ini ya :) (bisa cek archive kita untuk review nya)
Jangan lupa untuk gunakan BRUSH saat mengoleskan BB Cream ke 
wajah kalian ya. This is my brush :)
3. Gunakan eyeshadow berwarna putih mengkilap di tulang pipi mu, pinggiran mata, hingga kelopak mata supaya tulang pipi dan mata mu terlihat lebih cantik dan mengkilap.
4. Pilih eyeshadow berwarna ungu (seperti yang ada di foto) di kelopak mata sampai ke dekat alis. Jangan terlalu tebal^^ kalau terlalu tebal nanti kesannya kayak abis ditonjok matanya ><
5. Pilih eyeshadow berwarna pink (kayaknya lebih ke shocking pink ya ini) lalu timpa eyeshadow ungu tadi dengan pink ini, sehingga warnanya akan menyatu.
6. Gunakan eyeshadow berwarna baby blue untuk memberi kesan 'aquatic' pada mata kita. Well, mermaid kan hidup dalam air ya ceritanya hahaha so make up nya harus diberi kesan Aquatic supaya lebih hidup hihihi.

7. It's time to draw your eyeliner! :) Mermaid looks ga butuh eyeliner yang terlalu tebal apalagi dibentuk sayap panjang yang berlebihan. Cukup buat eyeliner mu terlihat lebih natural. Boleh pakai sayap asal jangan terlalu panjang sehingga tetap terlihat natural. :) aku masih pakai eyeliner gel dari SilkyGirl yang sudah pernah aku review sebelumnya :)

Done for the eye make up! So, this is the result for the eye make up :)

8. Gunakan blush on berwarna soft pink supaya pipi mu terlihat lebih sweet :) gimana pun juga dengan blush on pipi kalian akan terlihat lebih indah dan senyum kalian lebih manis *awww :")

9. Terakhir! Sebagai lip make up, aku memilih lip tint TONYMOLY MINI TINT CHERRY, selain bentuknya yang kecil, aku suka warna merahnya yang sederhana tapi cantik :) lip tint ini juga bisa tahan seharian walau kalian makan dan minum loh:) oh iya, harganya juga cukup murah ;D

*lol forgive my face*
ps: untuk melihat jelas fotonya kalian bisa view di tab baru
di browser kalian ya :)
untuk pemakaian make up ini ke party, tentu aja kalian harus pakai lebih tebal lagi kadar eyeshadow nya, blush on nya, dan make up lain nya. HAHAHAHA FINALLY MY FIRST MAKE UP TUTORIAL IS OUT HEHEHEHE :3
well, thank you beauties for reading this tutorial and as always, semoga bisa jadi inspirasi make up kalian ya hehehe maaf kalo masih kaku atau mungkin ga bagus -_-v but i'm trying my best loh hehehe :)
okay, that's all for today. Hope you like it. Don't forget to follow and comment on our post^^

See you!


Review: Tony Moly Luminous LIVE Aura CC Cream SPF 30 PA++

Hello, beauty, Natalia is here. Actually, I have so many products that I want to review but you know so many tasks have been waiting for me and I have no time lol. Previously I've had a review about BB Cream from Tony Moly. I have had told ya, I’m too much fallin in love with Tony Moly products (keep falling in love, falling in love), so it feels incomplete if I did not review the others.

CC cream, also known as Color Control cream. CC cream was developed to retain all the benefits of BB Cream with added nourishing ingredients whilst reducing the appearance of skin redness or sallowness (often with light-diffusing particles). CC cream is reputed to include sun protection, along with better skincare properties (such as anti-aging, hydration, blemish prevention etc.) and treatment of uneven skin tones than BB Cream.

I've always stuck to BB cream so I was curious to see the difference. There are more and more CC Creams in the market now, there are more variations that helps to cater to different skin types. CC is a has became an abbreviation for many different functions. There are Colour Correct, Colour Control, Colour Change etc. Tony Moly has some kinda CC Cream, there are the Bright Aura, Pure Aura and the Live Aura. but in Indonesia, there are only two types that have sold; Tony Moly Luminous Pure Aura CC Cream and Tony Moly Luminous Live Aura CC Cream. Comparing to Pure Aura CC cream, it gives more vivid expression with pinkish finish also coverage is slightly upgraded. If you are looking something for natural look – Pure Aura is more suitable, but if you want to more coverage and tone correcting benefits – Live Aura is suitable. 

So anyway, today I am reviewing Tony Moly's Luminous Live Aura CC Cream. I bought it for IDR 188 (more expensive than the BB Cream ToT). And, fyi, Tony Moly Luminous Live Aura CC Cream is my first time’s CC Cream hahaha…

Here we go!

It comes in a hard plastic bottle with a pump. Chic. This has got to be my most favorite packaging of all my the 5 creams (BB Cream) I currently have. The pump dispenser. Very hygienic eventhough you have to be careful when you pump it because sometimes too much product comes out. I always wipe this after using because I don't like seeing my stuffs get dirty XDD

And pictures below, step by step, when I applied the CC Cream on my hand.

My hand without CC Cream

Live Aura has pinky color (Pure Aura: white color)

Blend it, dude!

Voila! See the difference?

And when I applied the cream on my face (step by step)

I recommend you guys too used this brush applicator so the cream can be spread evenly

Put at some points of your face

Taraaa! OMG, my acne marks didn't appear



And, this pic when I used the eyeliner, blush on, and softlens (don't use the powder after it!)

Nice packaging
Floral Scent
Has SPF 30 PA++
Feels light
Brightens skin and gives a nice glow
Able to make pores a bit less visible
Natural finish

(no found out hahaha)

I really do enjoy the finish of this CC Cream. It keeps my skin moisturised and glowy without being too oily. It also feels very light on the skin.
The oil control is good, it is pretty average. It lasts me about 2-3 hours before I have to blot which is pretty normal for me. However it lasts pretty well as my makeup still looks good after about 10 hours of wear. So, what are you waiting for? Go buy it!
