
Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

[MAKE UP OF THE DAY] BLACK SMOKEY LOOKS (suitable for sexy looks)

hello ladies, this is me writer Riztrya again ^^
hari ini, aku gak akan posting tentang review produk seperti biasa, kali ini aku akan menulis tentang make up yang mungkin bisa membantu kalian ketika bingung harus make up seperti apa =D
awalnya lagi iseng sama temen ku main-main dirumah, judulnya sih mau cari jurnal, tapi berujung dengan make over dan photoshoot -_-"
well,  ini adalah make up dengan tema "black sexy smokey" lol ngarang sendiri nih namanya hahahaha :D make up ini cocok apabila kalian menginginkan sexy looks dan aku gak merekomendasikan make up ini untuk dipakai ke kampus hahaha karena sedikit 'harsh' terutama dibagian mata.
so, this is the result

kalau yang rajin baca blog ini, aku yakin pasti kenal dia HAHAHAHA yes she is my model (?) lol okay she is my best friends in university, and she is my forever model lol dia selalu terima aku dandanin model apapun dan hari ini posenya sedikit sexy lol kalian yang suka fashion bisa mampir juga ke blog dia while i'm busy with my beauty blog, she is busy buying clothes for her blog hahahaha :*
make up ini memang simple, aku lebih menekankan di eye make up saja. Kalian bisa meniru make up ini dengan langkah-langkah dibawah ini :
  1. Gunakan make up base untuk membuat make up mu lebih tahan lama untuk pemakaian make up jangka panjang
  2. Gunakan BB Cream / CC Cream favorite kalian. Disini aku menggunakan Luminous Goddess Aura BB Cream from TONYMOLY
  3. Don't forget to use your concealer to cover you imperfection and your dark circle. Here i'm using my The Saem Concealer Kit.
  4. Bubuhkan eyeshadow berwarna dark brown ke seluruh bagian mata (jangan sampai mendekati alis mu)
  5. Bubuhkan lagi eyeshadown berwarna shimmery brown ke atas bulu mata kalian, lalu ratakan dengan jari kalian (pastikan jari kalian bersih ya)
  6. Buatlah garis hitam tipis dekat bulu mata kalian dengan menggunakan eyeshadow berwarna hitam dan eyeshadow brush. Lalu, blend dengan eyeshadow brush.
  7. Draw your eyeliner, untuk ketebalan tergantung kalian mau setebal apa ya. Liquid, Pencil, Gel, atau jenis apapun itu eyeliner nya, bebas semua bisa kok :) Jangan lupa tambahkan wing di ujung mata kalian untuk membuat mata kalian lebih tajam :)
  8. Untuk mempertajam eye make up, gunakan fake eyelashes (jangan yang anti badai sampai bikin mata berat ya)
  9. Bentuk alis kalian sesuka kalian :) mungkin beberapa dari kalian suka menggunakan alis yang tebal dan tajam, atau tipis natural :)
  10. Gunakan blush on berwarna peach di pipi kalian supaya wajah kalian terlihat lebih berseri
  11. Gunakan lipstick berwarna pink atau apapun sesuai keinginan kalian. Disini aku menggunakan Fresh Cherry Tint from Etude House berwarna Baby Pink.
  12. Sebagai finishing, untuk membuat make up mu terlihat lebih natural dan glowy, gunakan compact powder di beberapa bagian wajah kalian, seperti di jidat, hidung, pipi, dan dagu. Sehingga make up kalian lebih terlihat natural :) aku menggunakan CLEAR SMOOTH EXTRA SPF 20 -NATURAL- from MAYBELLINE NEW YORK
Untuk outfitnya kalian bisa menggunakan baju berwarna hitam atau berwarna gelap dipadukan dengan rok mini atau dress mini berwarna gelap juga sehingga akan sangat menonjolkan sexy side dari diri kalian waaaaaw <3
Any question about this make up things or anything related to this blog? Feel free to ask me personally (cause we rarely check our email) i do check my email, instagram and twitter everyday. So please meet me there!
email :
instagram : @riztryaaa
twitter : @riztryaaa
sponsor inquiries and other things you want to ask, just ask :) 
well, that's all for the make up of the day inspiration looks. Semoga bisa menginspirasi kalian dalam mempercantik diri ya :)
Stay beauty!

Riztryaaa :)


Name : Rebecca Winda
Age : 21 years old
Instagram : @rebeccawinda_cs
blogspot :

Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Review: Chanel CC (Complete Correction) Cream SPF 30/PA+++

Hola, niñas.

Who didn't know about Chanel's brand? Everyone around the world knows that Chanel have a very good brand reputation. It's because of all their product. If you just know that Chanel only by their fashion bag, wallet, shirt, watch, etc. And now let me introduce their make up product. When I knew Chanel was releasing their own CC cream, I had to give it a try. It's a luxury product and you're going to pay for it. 750K for 30ML to be exact. FYI, I was using this CC Cream for the very first timeee just for this review. For me, it's better to use it rarely cause yeah you know the price make my moneybox empty immediately LOL.

As you know, in my last post, I reviewed my Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream, the first BB Cream of western that I've had. But know, I'm going to review Chanel CC Cream. So, Chanel CC Cream is my first western CC Cream because it is made in France. Anyway, when it first launched, this CC only came in one shade, Beige 20, which is what I’m testing here. They’ve since come out with Beige Rosé 12, which they describe as having a slightly pinkish undertone. Beige 20 is more yellow, so it’s a good match for my neutral-to-pink skin. I can usually go either way on a foundation, as long as it’s not too far on either the pink or the yellow scale.

The texture is thick, creamy, powdery, and quickly dry. You have to work fast with this product, or you'll get ugly patches on your skin. When I opened and applied it on my hand I was a bit freaked out because I thought it's too yellow for me, I was afraid it might look ashy. But no, it blended nicely on my skin after a while and did not cause any break out or look ashy. Just nice. If you like products that are easy to apply, lightweight, sheer and non greasy, you have to sample this out. It has a creamy consistency out of the tube, but as you apply (I use clean fingers to work it in) it just melts into your skin, smooths over it masking pores and/or uneven texture. Once it's worked in and sets, it leaves you with a velvety finish. Almost feels like a cream to powder product which is quite unique. It looks very natural. Like your skin but better.

The product comes in a sleek white tube that has a black cap on it. On the black cap there's a Chanel logo. It's a squeeze tube, you have to squeeze the tube in order to dispense the product, but don't worry, the opening of the tube is quite small so you can control how much product you want to dispense.

It's only available on it's official web and on Chanel's Asia stores such as Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. And lucky me found this product from online shop.

When it blended out, as you can see, it blends perfectly. So let me try on my face :)

The CC Cream offers pretty decent coverage – I’ll consider this a light-medium – it does correct out my blemishes and give me an overall more even skin tone.

As you can see, 20 Beige is perfect for me. I used my fingers, which warms the product nicely. It goes quickly, and once you get the hang of it, the process is actually pretty pleasant because it gives you so much control.

When I put any make up beside CC Cream, like eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush on, and lipcream. GAAAH I DO LOVE THIS CC CREAM. It gives you natural-semi matte finish.

- nice, practical and sleek packaging. Travel friendly.
- the coverage is medium but build-able. It covered my pores and my redness amazingly in 1 layer.
- Multitasking, can be used as a makeup base or worn alone (without powder). When worn alone, it gives me a flawless, fresh look
- it has SPF 30, it will protect your skin
- the oil control and the staying power are supa great. I used it for more than 8 hours last week, i only needed to blot my face once on the T-Zone and cheeks
- really fit to oily skin people who wants natural matte finish
- it doesn't break me out  
- chanel’s CC Cream is light and warm
- it also has a nice soft flower scent

- too pricey T_T (but hey, it's Chanel anyway! :p)
- hard to get in Indonesia. In fact, it's not even available here but you can follow and but it @titatu_lashes's Instagram
- only has two shades

It is pricey, but the great thing about higher end products. I would rate this product 4.8 out of 5. Yes, it's just 0.2 points away from perfection. Me? I keep falling in love of this Chanel's CC Cream and that it doesn’t break me out or clog my pores. I like how light and hydrating it is too. Otherwise, it’s a seriously wonderful product that perfects your skin without feeling heavy or greasy. Basically, your face will look amazing. Lemme know what you think? Would you give it a try? ;)


Minggu, 02 Februari 2014


Hello ladies! Back with writer Riztrya here hoho yesterday admin Nathalia wrote a review for Revlon Photoready BB Cream, have you guys read it? Go read it after you read this post kkk~^^
well, i'm going to write this review using my ind-lish or indonesian english hahaha since some readers request me to write it in english, so i'm going to do it in ind-lish today xD
hari ini aku akan menulis review produk The Face Shop yaitu Face It Highlighter Beam, untuk kalian yang pengen make up nya terlihat glowy seperti artis-artis korea, kalian wajib membaca review ini ^^

me as the background lmao xD
so, this is my first time using a highlighter as my make up, i usually combining a concealer and bb cream to make it looks like a highlighter lol xD but after trying this highlighter, i think.....i'm going to love a highlighter so much hehehehe -_-v okay this is how the packaging looks

kemasannya sangat mini, isinya cuma 13ml (at least ga sekecil benefit high beam yang sangat mungil itu) dan harganya cukup murah. It cost around IDR 95000 (10$) , aku beli highlighter ini di @lilcherryshop (instagram) mungkin setiap shop punya harga berbeda ya, apalagi di store the face shop di Indonesia mungkin akan lebih mahal lagi. 
Highlighter bisa digunakan untuk daily make up looks atau untuk riasan tebal ke pesta, hanya saja kadar penggunaannya harus dibedakan. Highlighter ini walau cuma di gunakan sedikit di wajah kalian, akan langsung memberikan efek highlighting yang sangat membuat wajah kalian terlihat lebih bersinar, segar, dan lembab.
Untuk kalian yang jenis kulitnya kering, highlighter ini juga memberikan efek moisturizing terhadap kulit wajah kalian loh ;) aku pakai highlighter ini untuk hang out atau special event lainnya, kalau untuk daily make up hmmmm aku kurang suka pakai riasan tebal untuk daily make up, so i decided to use a little for my daily make up, just to give a fresh look on my face ^_^


From the texture, tekstur nya sangat pas, tidak terlalu creamy atau pun terlalu watery sehingga mudah di blend dan diaplikasikan ke wajah kalian. Berikut diatas aku tampilkan swatch nya.

See the difference? after using a highlighter, my hands looks glowy hoho ^o^ highlighter ini terlihat ada glitter nya, tapi begitu di aplikasikan ke kulit kalian, glitternya tidak akan terlihat \o/ langsung menyesuaikan dengan warna kulit mu, tapi karena highlighter ini ada whitening effect nya juga, jangan terlalu banyak diaplikasikan ke wajah, karena nanti akan memberi kesan tebal pada riasan kalian. (kalau buat ke pesta sih boleh ya, tapi kalau untuk ke kampus kayaknya enggak deh hehe), kalian bisa mengaplikasikan highlighter setelah mengaplikasikan bb cream / cc cream/ foundation :)
Gunakan highlighter hanya di bagian jidat, hidung, tulang pipi, dan dagu. That's the point how your highlighter will works.

unboxing version

Highlighter ini mempunyai wangi yang sangat creamy (?) lol no, aku susah mendeskripsikan wangi nya disini, tapi aku sangat sangat suka wanginya /o/ untuk pengunaannya sendiri kalian tidak perlu repot menuangkan cairannya ke tangan, langsung oleskan highlighter dengan kuas nya ke titik-titik di wajah kalian, dan blend saja dengan tangan mu (pastikan tangan kalian bersih dan bebas kuman ya hahahaha) dan highlighter ini akan langsung membuat wajah kalian glowy dan lebih cantik yaaay /o/ /o/
Untuk kalian yang tertarik membeli produk ini bisa hubungi online shop yang menjual original make up atau official store the face shop di mall terdekat. (untuk harga belu tentu sama dengan harga diatas ya)
Sekedar informasi, kalau kalian membeli produk ini atau produk make up lainnya di @lilcherryshop (instagram) kalian akan mendapatkan potongan harga loh ;) gimana caranya? kalian cukup menyebutkan kalau kalian mengenal online shop @lilcherry dari blog ini :)
simple kan?
So, buat cewek-cewek yang lagi kebingungan cari online shop make up terpercaya dan 100% ORIGINAL, kalian bisa langsung order ke @lilcherryshop (instagram)
ps: jangan lupa sebutkan nama blog kita ya ;)

Oke, semoga review nya bisa membantu kalian dalam memilih produk highlighter mana yang cocok dan bagus untuk digunakan hahahaha if you have anything to ask, you may comment on this post or contact me personally through email : or my instagram @riztryaaa (i do check my instagram and email everyday so don't worry if u need anything to ask there)
See you on our next post!
Stay pretty! <3


using the face shop face it highlighter beam

please forgive my big eye bag ;(

Facebook Page : Lilcherry Shop
Phone : 08996833002
Instagram : @lilcherryshop

Review: Revlon Photoready BB Cream SPF 30 in Light (Pale) Shade 010

Hola, niñas! Today, I'm going to review Revlon's PhotoReady BB Cream. As you guys know, I'm a huge fan of BB Creams but this is the first time I'm reviewing a western BB Cream. So, I pick Revlon for my first try ;;)
I choose Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream in Light Pale shade, which is the lightest shade. I bought this for 85K from Revlon stand at Supermal Lippo Karawaci Tangerang. This BB Cream claims it:
- hydrates like a moisturizer
- smooths like a primer
- covers like a foundation
- blurs flaws like a concealer
- protects with SPF 30 like a sunscreen

Let's talk about that last part, SPF 30. Intriguing, considering many BB Creams released in the US have had a lower SPF. 30 is fairly good, not great, but definitely good. It remains thick and creamy without leaving behind a white cast. Nice one, Revlon for good sun protection, YAAAY! 

This is available in 3 shade selections. Light (pale), light medium, and medium are the colors you can choose from. BB Creams were created in one, two, sometime three shades originally in Asia and were meant to adjust the skin tone, but in the US market, BB Cream are just another variation of tinted moisturizer.

Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream is a water based formula which starts out with a thick, creamy texture. At first application, I really like how creamy it is. It actually morphs as you begin to rub on your face. The texture "bursts" and become thinner with watery feel. 

The light pale shade I choose is too beige but still fits my skin tone, not too bad. Coverage is light weight and very breathable. Wondering how did this BB cream deliver? Scroll below and see my pics.

And when those cream put on my face.......

My Bare Face

After use Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream (1)

After use Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream (2)
- has a good packaging, with silver color look more elegant
- has a transparent spot at its package, it helps you to choose the color
- the price is cheaper than Asian's BB Cream like Etude, Tony Moly, or The Face Shop
- give you natural look like you didn't wear any BB Cream (light enough)
- has good sun protection with SPF 30

- the oil control isn't great (don't available for oily skin)
- has a bad scent for me (smell like sunscreen)
- not give a lasting power
- not enough coverage

Who might like it?
- People who fit in 3 color spectrum
- People who looking for a good tinted moisturizer
- People with near perfect skin
- People who love the sunscreen's smell

Who might not like it?
- Fair-skinned people with warm undertones or dark skin tone
- People who have blemishes that need concealing
- People looking for a high coverage BB Cream

Feel interesting? Go buy this product and try it. And, feel free to give the comments below. Keep shining your beauty, niñas
