
Kamis, 23 April 2015

Review: Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick (#415, #423, #445)

Hola, niñas. I want to review a lipstick product from Revlon. Liana reviewed it before (here). Anyway, believe it or not, I used to hard to choose lipstick. Well, all of my doubts finally vanished when I tried this product from Revlon. I also had some lipsticks (beside Revlon), but still these are the most commonly used.

Based on the results of chit chat with Revlon's Beauty Adviser, Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick is a legendary product and sales are included in the category of best seller. Reasonable anyway, besides the price is quite cheap at IDR 35K, this lipstick has 82 colors with 4 different types of finishes. 4 types of finishes that are Matte, Pearl, Creme, and Shine. Every finishes have different effects if it used:
  1. Matte, dry effect and make the color of lipstick is getting stick on the lips. 
  2. Pearl, beads shimmer makes our lips more shiny but not glossy. 
  3. Creme, creamy texture effects and once you know it gently worn on the lips. Not too dry but not too shiny. 
  4. Shine, if you wear lipstick with these finishes, you should not apply the lipgloss anymore, because it has a glossy shine effect.
Let's begin the review! 

L-R : 415 Pink in The Afternoon, 423 Pink Velvet, 445 Teak Rose

 From all Revlon Lipstick's packaging that ever I saw, I think this variant has most simple packaging and is fairly standard to be called elegant. Packaging is made of black plastic and golden in the middle with "Revlon" writing on it.

Swatches L-R: 415 Pink in The Afternoon, 423 Pink Velvet, 445 Teak Rose
1. Pink In The Afternoon : light-sweet-pink
2. Pink Velvet : pink-redish
3. Teak Rose: soft-red

When I wear it on my lips, voila:

415 Pink In The Afternoon

423 Pink Velvet

445 Teak Rose

  • Pigmented 
  • The price is cheap and the product easy to find 
  • The lip color wears evenly
  • Many color choices and wearable for Asian skin
  • Soft texture 
  • Completely fragrance free product
  • Doesn't give a dry effect
  • Lasting for 4-6 hours without heavy meals
  • If you wear the shock color it gives a stain on your lips 

Feel free to comment on this post. Arrivederci!



7 komentar:

  1. Alisnya pake produk apa sai? Bagus..

  2. Alisnya pake produk apa sai? Bagus..

    1. pakai The Face Shop yang design my eyebrow, shade Dark Brown.

  3. Cantik bgt warna pink in the afternoon, yg pake'y cantik jg sih, hhiii

    Pengen cobbaa :D
    Makasi ya review'y

    1. Hai, Rara. Makasih yaa. Seneng bisa bantu :)

  4. 423 pink velvet bagus kah jika di pakai siang ?

  5. 423 pink velvet bagus kah jika di pakai siang ?
